
Thailand Beach Holiday Guide

Thailand has some of the most beautiful beaches in Asia. The sand on the beaches in Thailand is usually sandy white and the water is crystal clear. Generally near the beaches there are plenty palm trees which provide shade to relax under. If not there will be locals nearby eager to provide umbrellas for a small charge to provide protection from the sun. Tourists can perform various types of recreational activities at Thailand beaches including fishing, sailing and jet sking. Examples of fish that inhabit the tropical waters of Thailand include the amberjack, barracouta, barracuda, barramundi, camouflage grouper, golden trevally, parrot fish, angel fish, black marlin and the sweetlip emperor. Blacktip reef sharks, leopard sharks, whale sharks and guitar sharks also inhabit coastal waters. The beaches are surrounded by a vast range of coral reefs so they are suitable for tourists who like scuba diving and snorkeling. Karon Beach and… Continue reading